About Us
Welcome to Cobb Dermatology and Aesthetics, we’re glad you’re here! This practice was founded in 2020 by Carrie Cobb and Kristen (Cobb) Kuk who are physician sisters living in the Lynchburg community for the past decade. Our goal is to create a practice based on the philosophies of providing the highest level of quality care in medical dermatology and aesthetics with an emphasis on individualized care. We hope patients and staff will choose to be part of our practice and part of our community as we create an environment centered around transparency and shared decision making.
Our Providers
Carrie Cobb, MD, FAAD
Board Certified Dermatologist
Following her training, Dr. Cobb joined a private practice in Annapolis, MD, where she worked until moving to Lynchburg in 2014. She now provides medical dermatologic care for her patients and enjoys treating a variety of skin conditions. She is a fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology.
Kristen (Cobb) Kuk, MD